Hailide Factory, China

Haining Hailide Jianshan Factory
The groundbreaking YC1000 microinverter powers this milestone 3-phase installation in China’s Zhejiang Province. The project at the Haining Hailide Jianshan factory includes 1,200 YC1000 units for 1.4 MW production, as part of the larger 8 MW solar installation.
The completed project will provide approximately 8.14 million kWh of energy per year, saving nearly 3,000 tons of coal while reducing CO2 and sulphur emissions by more than 700 tons — multiplied many times over the plant’s projected 25-year lifespan.
The electricity generated by the Haining system promises a strong economic return for investors, powering the factory even as it protects the local environment and promotes APsystems 3-phase microinverter technology.
Location: Haining, China
Installation Date: December 2014
Capacity: 1.4 MW (of 8MW total capacity)
Microinverter: APsystems YC1000
No. of microinverters: 1,200