Stonegate Spark: Swihart Enterprises

Stonegate Spark: Swihart Enterprises
On Stonegate Ct, Swihart Enterprises and Electrical, under the leadership of Christan Swihart, completed this impressive solar installation. This project featured 24 400-watt panels mounted on the roof and utilized 12 APsystems microinverters. Swihart highlighted the efficiency of the setup, noting, “We only needed 12 inverters instead of 24, which streamlined the installation process and enhanced the overall system performance.”
Swihart Enterprises and Electrical is known for its expertise in solar installations and innovative solutions. The choice of APsystems inverters contributed to a more efficient and cost-effective project, showcasing the company’s ability to deliver high-quality results while optimizing resources.
Project: Solar installation at Stonegate Ct
Location: Stonegate Ct
Installer: Swihart Enterprises and Electrical
System capacity (kW): Not specified
Microinverter: APsystems