Asolar & Alset Earn APsystems Best LATAM Project Contest Awards

Earlier this year, APsystems held the Best LATAM Project Contest for installers, selecting one residential and one commercial winner for the Project Awards. We had more entries than expected and do very much appreciate your participation.
APsystems Best LATAM Project honors solar installers Asolar and Alset from Mexico. Both of these companies deserve recognition for their forward thinking, their inventiveness, and for helping so many people and businesses alike go solar.
Asolar took our Residential Award. They started in 2013 and mainly served as a residential solar integrator. APsystems LATAM chose to honor their contribution to La Punta, a beautiful 21.9kW residential project. To help power this project, Asolar used 15 APsystems QS1 microinverters, eliminating the negative effect of the shading in the projects.
Our Commercial Award went to Alset for their Carnes G Capacidad installation. It is a very new project which was installed in March, 2020 in Jalisco, Mexico. The installation uses 375 APsystems QS1 microinverters, installed by Alset, and delivering 500 kilowatts of solar energy.
APsystems congratulates both winners of our APsystems Best LATAM Project Contest. We especially look forward to seeing all your entries next time, so be on the lookout for more information about APsystems LATAMs’ activities.