APsystems launches APsmart brand of DC MLPE devices
APsystems launches APsmart brand of DC MLPE devices

APsmart is a new brand of DC module-level electronics, including the RSD (Rapid Shutdown Device) and Transmitter-PLC for enabling rapid shutdown compliance at a solar site. Certified to SunSpec and NEC 690.12 Rapid Shutdown requirements, the RSD and Transmitter-PLC offer built-in safety, reliable technology, and are an ideal rapid shutdown compliance solution.
The APsmart RSD System is a SunSpec Alliance Certified [paired] device which maintains constant communication between the RSD and the Transmitter, constantly monitoring voltage and current. When proper voltage is not detected the Transmitter stops sending the keep-alive signal to the RSD-S-PLC device, immediately initiating the module-level rapid shutdown sequence.
About APsmart
From the developers at APsystems, APsmart offers state-of-the-art DC MLPE products. Leveraging APsystems’ proven expertise in module-level power electronics, APsmart solutions are powered by ASIC with its internal IP and integrated with TI chips at the system-level application. Learn more about APsmart and the RSD solution at APsmartGlobal.com.