APsystems ECU App Now Available in Spanish
APsystems ECU App Now Available in Spanish

APsystems is proud to launch a Spanish language option for its Energy Communication Unit App (ECU APP) to enhance service to its Spanish-speaking customers around the world.
This smart phone application is designed to control and monitor an APsystems ECU-R as part of an APsystems solar microinverter system. App users can see the working status of the ECU-R and its inverters and can adjust the device configuration.
APsystems now offers 3 language options for the ECU App for regional markets including English, Chinese and Spanish. Through the ECU APP, the following functions could be realized:
- See the status and configuration of the ECU-R gateway and monitor each inverter
- Display real-time energy production and other performance data
- Connect the ECU-R to arouter to upload data to the server and configure the ECU-R gateway
- Obtain an IP address automatically or use a static IP address
- Input or adjustinverter IDs in the ECU-R Configure the ECU-R to display current time
- Reset the ECU-R Wi-Fi password